The Flame that Burns Twice as Bright, Burns Half as Long: A GLoG Monk


Art by Eric Belisle

You are not fully yourself until you realize your place in the wider universe, your connection to the leaves, stones, sun, moon, and all other things. You are the universe. Reach out your hand, and the mountains shall shatter.

The Monk: A Class for Shadow & Fae 2e, and Other GLoGs

With each Chapter, gain Combatant, and...

  1. One, Lesson of Water
  2. Lesson of Earth
  3. Lesson of Air
  4. Lesson of Fire

Starting Gear: Staff (d6, 1b, 2H, Light, Shatter d4), Incense (1b), Flint & Steel (1/3b), d4 rations, 2d6 GP.

Starting Skill: Cantor | Spirits | Herbs | Brewing

Combatant: Gain 2 HP and +1 to Hit and Damage each time you take this. If you take this feature 3 times, you may take an extra action in combat, which may be an attack. If you are Mortally Wounded, roll a d6 instead of a d8.

One: You are at your best when you realize your place within the universe. By meditating for at least an hour, you may restore a pool of Ki dice equal to your Monk Chapters. Ki dice are d6. Once per turn you may spend and roll Ki dice to perform one of the following free actions. Like Magic Dice, Ki Dice are only spent if they roll 4+, and abilities using them refer to the [sum] and [dice] of the roll. However, they cannot power traditional spells. Great masters and strange spirits may teach you additional techniques, if you earn their favor.

  1. Strike: Automatically hit [dice] melee target(s) for [sum] damage.
  2. Center: Regain [sum] HP.
  3. Sweep: your next action affects +[dice] valid targets.
  4. Blur: move [dice]*30' over any surface, including vertical walls and liquids.

Lesson of Water: While unarmored, your AC is 12+Grace+Monk Chapters, and your melee attacks deal d6 damage. By meditating while listening to running water, you may remove 1 Fatigue.

Lesson of Earth: When you wish to be, you are unmovable and your grip cannot be broken, so long as you are conscious. By meditating while touching stone, you may sense the presence of hidden routes and hiding creatures within 60'.

Lesson of Air: When you suffer damage, you may use Ki as a reaction to negate [sum] as you deftly dodge. By meditating in the open air, you can sense the direction to a thing of your choice.

Lesson of Fire: You may use Ki twice on your turn. By meditating in great heat, cleanse your body of all diseases and poisons, and they do not affect you while you meditate.


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