Delver: A Classless GLoG Class

DELVER: A Classless GLoG Class

A Peasant Boy - Richard Westall

Begin with a failed profession and a snack prepared by someone who hopes you make it home alive.

Advancement: You don't get XP. You only advance by achieving specific feats within the world. You gain no benefits from achieving the same feat twice.

Upon gaining 3, 6, and 9 feats, you gain 1 level. 

You may spend 1000 GP and a continuous week of downtime to train with a master, gaining 1 feat of your choice, excluding feats of Faith or Grandeur.


Each Feat of Strength grants +1 HP in addition to any other benefits. For every 2 Feats of Strength, you gain +1 to attack rolls.

FIGHTER: Slay a foe in melee combat. Gain +1 to attack rolls.

SLAYER: Slay a foe with more HD than your level using non-magical means. You may attack twice on your turn in combat.

WALL: Take 4 hits in one combat without dropping below 0 HP. Gain 4 max HP and +1 to AC.

LION: Cause a creature with HD equal or greater than your level to fail a morale check. Creatures suffer a penalty to morale checks equal to your HD, and you may force a morale check of creatures with total HD equal to yours each day by charging towards them and shouting a battle-cry.

DEADEYE: Kill a creature with 2 or more HD with a single ranged weapon attack. Your ranged attacks now critical on 18+ on the dice.

MULE: Carry a single item weighing more than you out of a dungeon or similarly dangerous location. Gain +5 inventory slots. 

MAGE HUNTER: Kill an enemy caster who had previously affected you with a spell. When a foe attempts to cast a spell within melee range, you may make a melee attack against them. On a hit, their spell backfires.

BATTLE DANCER: Critically succeed 3 combat maneuvers. After making a successful combat maneuver, you may also make a single attack for free.


Each Feat of Cunning grants +2 to a skill of your choice from the following list. These skills do not count against any typical limitation on skills. 

  • Hide
  • Move Silently
  • Eavesdrop
  • Pick Locks
  • Pick Pockets
  • Climb Surfaces
  • Find & Disarm Traps
  • Deceive

LOCK MASTER: Critically succeed 3 attempts to pick a lock. When you examine a locked door, chest, or similar object, you may instantaneously learn the DC to pick it and whether it is trapped. Gain +4 to attempts to pick locks.

SHADOW: Successfully hide from a creature pursuing you on 3 occasions. If no hostile creature is looking at you, you may hide behind almost anything without a test, including flickering shadows or skinny trees. When you emerge from hiding, all creatures are surprised.

MAGIC HACK: Safely activate or disarm 3 potentially dangerous magical objects. Once per day when you touch a magical item or symbol you may learn what it does and how to activate it. You also have a 3-in-6 chance to learn of any curses affecting an item.

BAIT: On 3 occasions, convince a creature with 3+ HD to focus it's attention on you, then escape unharmed from the creature without personally harming it. Once per combat, you may use your action to taunt a creature. It will focus on you on its next turn, and must pass a save at the end of its turn before focusing on anyone else.

ASSASSIN: Incapacitate 3 creatures with 2+ HD without them becoming aware of you. Whenever you have advantage on an attack roll, it deals +d6 damage. You gain advantage on attacks made against surprised creatures.

RING LEADER: Successfully hire 6 different hirelings, and bring them out of a dungeon or similar location alive. Given a night in town, you can always find d4 1 HD followers who will help you with any plot for a 1/2 share of the reward.

COLLECTOR: Use 10 different types of adventuring equipment to effectively aid the party. In town, you may mark off up to 3 slots of unmarked goods. You may retroactively shop to fill that space at any later time.

CON ARTIST: Trick 4 potentially hostile creatures into helping you. Once per day, gain advantage on your first attempt to deceive a creature. If that attempt succeeds, it critically succeeds.


For every 2 feats of Intellect, gain 1 MD.

Mishaps: If a spell you cast ever rolls doubles, you must rest overnight before using another spell. On rolling triples, the spell backfires horribly.

MAGIC READER: Successfully cast a spell from a scroll (DC 14 INT) 3 times. You no longer need to test INT to cast spells from scrolls, and can transfer spells from a scroll to a spellbook given an hour.

TOME KEEPER: Spend a week during downtime studying a spellbook you own. You may cast spells from that spellbook while you are holding it. Gain 1 MD.:

SAGEWhen you retrieve a non-magical book from a dungeon, you may spend a week reading it, then successfully test INT 14 to study it. Repeat this for a total of 5 times. Whenever you test intelligence to remember knowledge about something that *could* have been recorded in a book you've read, a success becomes a critical success.

INVESTIGATOR: Uncover 10 deceptions such as lies, hidden traps, or secret rooms before they reveal themselves. Attempts to deceive you suffer disadvantage, and you have a 4-in-6 chance to spot concealed items and entrances upon passing near them, unless you are rushing.

SPELL FRIEND: Convince a sentient spell to travel with you. Once per day when you cast a spell, you may change the result of 1 MD after it is cast, potentially avoiding expenditure, mishaps, and backfires.

ENCHANTER: Personally own 5 magical items at the same time. Over the course of ten minutes you may permanently invest a single MD into an item to give it a magical effect of your choice, negotiated with the GM. You may end a magical effect whenever you wish, but do not regain the MD until the next day.

SPELL COLLIDER: Incapacitate another spell-caster using a spell of your own. Whenever a Magic-User casts a spell in your sight, you may cast a spell as a reaction. The spells mix in mid-air. If your spell is particularly violent or opposed to the other spell, they cancel out. Otherwise the spells "breed", creating a new spell that then 1: targets you, 2: targets the other caster, 3+: waits for someone to collect it. 

SEER: Drink at least 4 unidentified magical substances and survive. You can now see magical auras and determine the number of MD another creature has by making eye-contact.


ORDAINED: Get ordained by a religion with at least 30 members. You may bless or curse any creature you can see as an action, inflicting +/- d4 to all their d20 rolls until you select a new target. Once per day, you may pray for a miracle. There is a 1-in-6 chance that it occurs, or 2-in-6 if it is particularly aligned with your religion. You may not raise the dead.

ARCHPRIEST: Be recognized as the highest leader of a religion with at least 100 members. You now have sway over a large group of people, and can recruit followers who will aid you in your religion's purpose without expecting compensation.

CHOSEN: Be recognized by a deity or similar being as their mortal servant. You may pronounce their judgment on creatures hostile toward you as an action. Deal up to [Level] d6 damage divided between creatures you can see. If this rolls doubles, you cannot use it again until you rest over night. On triples, you must perform some service for your deity to regain their favor. This feat often comes with other perks specific to the deity.


LORD AND DEFENDER: Capture or claim a castle or similar fortification and dwell within it for a month. Gain a number of 1 HD footmen followers equal to your max HP who will serve in defense of your land. Nearby civilians will pay 1 GP in taxes each per month. Soldiers expect 10 GP pay per month. You may be called upon to defend your lands, participate in tourneys, get married, go on royal quests, aid allies, etc.

ARCH MAGE: Dedicate a structure you own or occupy without contest that has at least 5 rooms to arcane pursuits. Gain a number of apprentices equal to half your HD rounded up with 1 MD and 1 HD each. You may teach them any spells you know, but this isn't always advisable. You may research a new spell by testing Intelligence 22 once per week of downtime. Each rare book you retrieve from questing related to the spell increases tests to research that spell by 2.

ENTREPRENEUR: Dedicate a 5+ room building you own in a large town to a business. Each week the business gains d10*50 GP, and loses d8*50 GP in expenses. You may use your business as a front to gain information, learning 1 answer to a question of your choice each week. While doing so, there's a 2-in-6 chance of attracting trouble to your business, doubling your losses unless you deal with the trouble personally.

Have ideas for more feats? Let me know in the comments! The main purpose of feats is to give players specific routes to power that take place within the narrative of the game.


  1. Updated slightly to make all feats consistent "job-titles".


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