Shadow & Fae 2e: Core Rules

Redcrosse Knight, by Walter Crane


You’re going out into the wild then? If I can’t stop you, I can at least give you some wisdom. Heaven knows I lacked it.


Each character has three Abilities, which determine how well they can perform in several broad situations.

Might - A measure of one’s strength and vitality, tested in moments that require great endurance and power.

Grace - One’s deftness of foot and finger, tested for balancing, aiming, dancing, etc.

Will - One’s strength of heart, tested to influence others and control yourself in the most trying of times.

Each ability’s score begins at 1. 

You may increase a score by decreasing another up to 3 times. Scores may be negative.

Alternatively, you may roll a d6 on this table to set your scores, then increase one score by 1.


When a character attempts something possible but risky, they may need to test for success by rolling a d20 and adding their most relevant Ability Score. If the result of your roll meets or exceeds the test’s difficulty (DC), it succeeds! 

Most Tests are DC 10, though the Referee may use DC 14 at times, or even DC 18 for truly epic feats.

Criticals occur on a d20 roll of 20 before modifiers, and grant the best possible outcome to the test.

Fumbles occur on a d20 roll of 1, and cause the worst likely outcome.

Advantage & Disadvantage

Situations in the fiction that make a test easier or harder may cause Advantage or Disadvantage. Roll the test twice, and take the best/worst result. 


Skills remove the need for most relevant tests. If the Referee determines a roll is still necessary, it gains advantage.

Hope, Saves, & Passions

A save is a d20 roll the Referee or rules may call for to avoid a consequence. To Save, roll a d20 under or equal to your Hope. 

Hope starts at 5 and has a max of 10 at level 1.

Each character notes 2 Passions, which are actions they want to take, even though they may not be wise at the moment. When a PC exercises their Passions, they gain 2 Hope, up to their max.

Hope may be spent to increase the result of any dice roll made by that PC by one point each.

Simple Passions: Vice & Virtue

Gear & Fatigue

All characters begin with a bag that can carry 10+Might Bulk of items. Most items that can be carried in 1 hand are 1 bulk, though particularly small items only take ⅓ bulk. Hefty or awkward items may take 2 bulk. Huge items don’t fit in a backpack. 100 coins are 1 Bulk.

Fatigue fills 1 bulk in your pack, and inflicts a -1 penalty to all rolls. If you gain 10 fatigue, you die.

Hit Points & Death

Each character has a store of Hit Points (HP) that determines their ability to avoid taking a mortal blow.

Characters begin with 8+Might HP.

When a character would be damaged, they reduce their HP first. If HP is reduced to 0, the character falls unconscious for 10 minutes, then regains 1 HP. 

If a character is reduced below 0 HP, roll a d8 + the damage in excess of 0 on the following table:

  • 1-3 - Gain 1 Fatigue
  • 4-6 - Gain 2 Fatigue
  • 7-9 - Gain 3 Fatigue and a permanent injury related to the cause.
  • 10+ - Death, speak your last words.

Tales (Classes)

Each PC begins with the first Chapter (Template) of a Tale (Class). While any GLoG class will work, the full book will come with 20 unique classes.

Time & Journeys

Days consist of Morning, Evening, and Night. Each phase is long enough to:

  • Trek 12 miles.
  • March 18 miles, gaining fatigue unless mounted.
  • Explore a location.
  • Rest, consume a ration to gain d6 + Level HP. Remove 1 fatigue. Not resting on a day inflicts fatigue.


In dangerous structures, time slows to 10 minute rounds. Each round, either:

  • Move to a new area.
  • Fully Explore the current area.
  • Bind Wounds, regain d4 + Level HP at the cost of bandages.


If a fight starts, the referee determines which side acts first by logic or chance. Each turn, a combatant may take two actions, attacking once at most. They may take a reaction each round if able.

  • Attack a target within range. Roll a d20 + the weapon’s ability. If you roll the target’s AC+, you hit and deal your weapon’s DMG. On a crit, roll twice the DMG dice.
  • Move - usually 30’
  • Maneuver E.G. Unbalance (+1 to Hit), Push, Grapple, Taunt, Explain. May require an Opposed Test, high roller wins.

Experience and Level

Whenever a character performs one of the following actions, they gain the listed XP.

  • Recover gold from the wild: 1 XP per GP recovered, divided amongst the party.
  • Slay or subdue dangerous foes: 100 XP per HD, divided.
  • Complete a dangerous quest: 500 XP to each character.

A character may spend XP equal to 500x their level to gain a level, up to level 10. On level up, gain:

  • d8+Might Max HP.
  • The next Chapter of a Tale that makes sense for the character, up to 4 Chapters total.
  • +1 to an Ability Score on even levels, up to +4 max.
  • +1 Maximum Hope

Classes, Gear & Spells

The full book is available on, and includes 20 original classes, unique rules for gear, and several pages of spells.


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