"It is the Duty of the Dead to Rest" GLoG Class, Cleric of the Requiem

"The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them." - Lois Bujold, Art by Chenxi Kang

Guilt, Fear, Anxiety, Foul Magics, there are ten thousand reasons for the dead to stir in their sleep, even to rise in a restless semblance of life. It is our place to give them their rest by whatever means we may.

Cleric of the Requiem

Starting Gear: Mace (d8, 1 Bulk), Light Armor, Shield, Lantern & Oil, Chalk (1/3 Bulk), Black Oilcloth Cloak (1 Bulk, Waterproof), Strange Memento (See Below)

Skill: Dead Languages | Ancient Machinery | Forgotten History

A. Friend of the Dead, Last Rites, Casting

B. Psychopomp, +1 MD, +2 Spells

C. Inviolate Wards, +1 MD, +2 Spells

D. Order of the Requiem, +1 MD, +2 Spells (Chosen, not rolled)

Friend of the Dead: Mindless undead encounters will not attack you on an X-in-6 roll, where X is your Cleric of the Requiem level. Sentient Undead roll +X on reactions to your party.

Last Rites: You may anoint a mindless undead creature's physical remains with oil to remove the curse of undeath. This requires a successful unarmed attack roll in combat. If you anoint a dead body, it cannot become undead. Sentient dead may choose to accept or deny these rites.

Casting: You gain 1 Magic Dice (MD), and 2 spells rolled randomly from the list at the end of this class. With each additional template, gain 1 MD and two additional random spells. At template D, choose your spells.

Psychopomp: Your work attracts a friendly invisible Psychopomp. Though it has a physical form, it is extremely shy about revealing it. It is intelligent, and has 1 HD and AC 14, but can't attack. It can fly 30' per action and lift 1 bulk. It can sense the presence of undead within 120', though learns no further details. If your psychopomp "dies" it returns d4 days later.

A number of times per day equal to your Cleric of the Requiem level, it can perform one of the following actions:

  • Guard: Reaction, Negate d4 damage dealt to any party member, or d8 damage if the damage is from an undead.
  • Blind: Action, Target creature is temporarily blinded by the light of the Beyond. This clears at the end of the creature's next turn, or only after a successful save on its turn if undead.
  • Turn Undead: Action, The Psychopomp fills the room with brilliant light. Roll 2d6+[Templates]. Each each undead that sees this light subtracts their HD from the roll and: on a 12+, the undead is destroyed. On a 9-11, the undead is forced to flee for d4 minutes. On a 5-8, the undead flees for d4 turns, on a 4-, the creature is unaffected. After taking this action, the psychopomp must rest for d4*10 minutes.

Inviolate Wards: You may draw a chalk line approximately 20' long, or a circle 5' in radius, on your turn in combat. Undead may not cross this line unless they pass a save. This save cannot be repeated. If another creature crosses this line, you become aware of it, though not which line. Wards are only effective for 1 hour.

Order of the Requiem: If you have a strip of black cloth, you may perform a one hour ceremony with it to mark anyone who wears it as a member of the Order of the Requiem. Anyone wearing it gains the following bonuses while within 60' of you.

  • If undead would not attack you, they will not attack those wearing the Cloth.
  • The Psychopomp will hear them and respond to their requests. 
  • If they would fail a save against a magical effect, they may sacrifice their Cloth instead.


  1. Ceremony: You perform a religious ceremony for up to [dice] creatures that requires a Vow to be made by the targets. Targets gain +1 AC for [sum] days, and if multiple targets are chosen, they can always sense the direction towards the others. If a target breaks their vow, they gain [dice] fatigue. A creature may be affected once per year.
  2. Protection from Evil: For [sum] minutes, undead and demonic beings take a -[dice] penalty to hit creatures within 10’ of you.
  3. Purify Food & Drink: [Sum] rations or gallons of drink are purified of poison, disease, and alcohol.
  4. Find the Path: For [dice]*2 hours while under the open sky a glowing path toward a place or object the caster is familiar with appears.
  5. Fog: You summon a magical fog that fills a [dice]*10’ radius area of your choice. You can see through it, but other creatures are blind within it. The fog dissipates after [sum] minutes.
  6. Heal or Harm: A creature you touch regains or loses [sum]+[dice] HP, or [sum] HP if they are within 60’ but not touched. If 4 or more [dice] are invested, the spell can restore a creature to perfect health, including regenerating missing limbs or organs, and nullifying all poisons and disease. It cannot raise the dead.
  7. Read Language: The caster may translate any text they touch for [sum] minutes.
  8. Remove or Inflict Fear: [dice] allies within 60’ lose all fear, or [sum] HD of creatures become frightened of a target within 60’ and must flee or hide for [dice] minutes.
  9. Conceal or Reveal: For [dice]*10 minutes, a creature within 30’ is fully ignored by all creatures that see it until it engages them. Alternatively, the creature can see invisible creatures and effects, such as spells and curses.
  10. Phantom Limb: [Dice] limbs can’t touch physical objects, only incorporeal ones, for [dice] hours or until dispelled.
  11. Premonitions: The next [dice]*2 damaging effects targeting you that have any chance of missing, miss. Lasts [sum] hours.
  12. Speak with Dead: Ask [dice]+[highest] questions of a skull or dead body. -1 question to compel true answers and/or hear emotion.

Strange Mementos

  1. A Golden Locket: Within is an image of a young maiden. If it is opened, a deafening wail echoes out. Anyone who hears it must save or become deaf for 10 minutes.
  2. A Silver Ring: When you twist it on your finger, strange chanting fills your mind. You gain advantage on Saves against Magic, but take -3 AC while it is active.
  3. A Black Cane: A finely wrought serpent's head adorns the top. Once per day, you may throw it on the ground, causing it to turn to a 1 HD venomous viper under your control for 10 minutes. It has AC 14 and a +1 d6 Bite Attack. If it bites a living being, they must save or take an additional 2d6 damage from Poison.
  4. A White Handkerchief: Silver flowers embroider it. Anyone who breathes its fragrance must Save or fall unconscious for 10 minutes.
  5. A Warm Whip: When you lash it at a creature, it takes a mind of its own, binding around their ankles and dragging them toward you. May be used in the off-hand. 20' Reach, target must save or be grappled and dragged 20' toward you. If used on a stuck object, you are pulled toward it.
  6. A Fogged Monocle: When peered through, you can see spirits, but not the material world.


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