Common Folk, Fantastic Worlds - GLoG Classes: Commoners & Soldiers

Art: H.J. Ford, The Faithful Servant

Art: Gustave Dore, They Fiercely Charged Forward

In a world where wizards fling spells at dragons, it might seem strange to play as a commoner, or even a mundane soldier, and yet there is a style of play that can't be captured properly if every player is a sort of superhero.

For dragons to be fierce and terrifying, we must be weak and mortal. The interest is generated by the contrast, and it's incredibly memorable if common folk actually manage to slay such a creature. 

Commoners are useful for beginning new campaigns and "rolling" characters - PCs in Shadow and Fae set their stats with a kind of Point Buy system, so the chart here is useful for players that would rather roll.

It's also a useful page for rolling up hirelings in a hurry.

As for soldiers, they may seem mundane compared to sorcerers and fae, but for most of us it is just as much a fantasy to wield a sword in life-or-death combat as it is to fling spells. I wanted to play into that fantasy, and I thought a decent way of doing that is to hand out "Tactics", which go far above what a PC could normally do (and they can normally try just about anything).


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