
Godmar Turn'd Again, Florence Harrison


First off, if you haven't already you really need to go read Mythic Bastionland. It's a work of art, and a work of genius. I don't even care if you come back to this post. It's criminally derivative.

MythicGLoG is meant to take some of the big-picture aspects of MB and adapt them into a one-page GLoGhack that lets PCs play as weird knights or any other GLoG class in existence out there.

Notably, just about any knight from MB should be easily convertible into this system.

Things I'm Happy With:

  • Stupid-simple roll under, or roll under 1/2 for saves
  • 5-15 point ability scores, with good variation due to d4+d8+3
  • Passions: I think these could use good examples, as they're the most "new", but I like the idea of giving players a bonus for RPing well.
  • Combat: 2-Action tactical combat has always felt good to me. This one contains solid rules for grappling and long weapons.
Things I think Could Use Work:
  • I wanted to include classes, and the 10 "mini-knights" at the end sort of work, but probably are hinting at mechanics that need more flesh. Damn you self-imposed one-page limit!
  • I gotta stop stealing other people's stuff. But what is originality if not carefully disguised theft?


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