The Alcomancer: A GLoG Brewer Class

The Alcomancer

Some seek gold, or glory, or powers beyond comprehension. You're just looking for a good brew.

Alcomancers are magicians skilled in the manipulation of fermentation. With a few simple ingredients and a moment's work, and Alcomancer can create truly wondrous beverages.

Starting Gear: Brewer's Tools (2 slots, contains bottles, yeast, cloth, etc.), Heavy Ladle (Medium Weapon), 3 Rations, Bottle of Strong Liquor (1/3 Slot), Heavy Apron & Gloves (Light Armor)

Skill: 1. Bartering, 2. Herbalism, 3. Urban Navigation

A. Brewing, Suppliers, Vice

B. Secret Ingredients, +1 BD

C. Master Brewer, Label, +1 BD

D. Brewery Boss, +1 BD

Intoxication - Whenever a creature drinks an alcoholic beverage they must save or gain a level of intoxication (TOX). A creature may choose to fail this test. For every 2 points of [TOX] taken, creatures gain 1 fatigue when they sober up. If a creature stops drinking, it will sober up in [TOX]*20 minutes. While intoxicated, a creature must roll a d20 if it attempts any demanding action. If this rolls less than or equal to their TOX, they waste their turn drunkenly stumbling, or vomiting on a natural 1.

A. Brewing: Alcomancers gain 1 "Brewing Dice" with each template. These are d6. Over the course of 1 minute an Alcomancer may use any number of Brewing Dice to turn 2 slots of an ingredient into 1 slot (3 servings) of the matching brew. No matter how many brewing dice are rolled, the same amount of alcohol is created. The [sum] of the brewing roll determines the quality of the brew. If a BD rolls a 3 or less, it may be used again the same day, otherwise it is regained after a good night's rest.

Beer - Made from Grains. Creatures drunk on your beer gain 2*[TOX] max HP.

Wine - Made from Fruit. Magic-users drunk on your wine may add +[TOX] to their spell [sum], though this inflicts 1 fatigue.

Mead - Made from Honey. Creatures drunk on your mead can communicate telepathically with one-another while within 6 miles of each other.

Cider - Made from Apples. While drunk on your cider, creatures gain +2*[TOX] to all saving throws. An apple a day, you know.

Kombucha - Made from Tea. Your Kombucha inflicts 1 less TOX than usual, and heals d4 HP when consumed. Heals 2d4 if distilled into liquor.

Liquor - Distilled from Alcohol. +3 to brewing roll. Inflicts double TOX and the effect of the alcohol it was distilled from (only 1 effect).

Brew Quality

1: Intolerable, 1 TOX, drinking this incurs a 2-in-6 chance of blindness.

2-3: Sludge, 1 TOX, oddly sticky, incredibly flammable. Great for Molotovs.

4-5: Good, 1 TOX, intelligent creatures you give this to may grow friendlier toward you, and will probably drink it as soon as they can.

6-7: Excellent! 2 TOX, intelligent creatures you meet will likely trade a favor to get ahold of some of this stuff.

8-9: Divine: 2 TOX, regain d8 HP, has a 3-in-6 chance of curing poisons and disease.

10-11: Devilish: 2 TOX, melts metallic substances on contact. Somehow still safe to drink.

12+: Impossible: 4 TOX, inflicts no fatigue on sobering up.

A. Suppliers: In any town, you can find someone willing to sell you grain, fruit, or honey. In any town your character could have been to before, you have a contact who may also supply you with local rumors, these rumors have a 5-in-6 chance of being accurate, but are otherwise wildly fabricated. The GM rolls this chance in secret.

A: Vice: Nobody's perfect. Choose one of the following vices.

  • Brawler: You have a tendency to get into scrapes. While drunk and not wearing heavy armor, you deal +[TOX] damage and reduce melee damage you take by 1/2 [TOX], minimum 1.
  • Coward: When fights break out, you get down. If there's something to hide behind, and no one is actively watching you, you can hide so well as to completely avoid notice.
  • Charmer: You've practiced that winning smile, haven't you? Intelligent creatures gain +[Templates] to reaction rolls if you're in the front of the party, or -[Templates] if they happen to be tee-totalers and you're drunk.
  • Mad Genius: You take the brewing thing to unexpected places. As an action you may ferment the blood of a creature you touch, inflicting 2 levels of fatigue, or 1/2 as much on a successful save. You may empower this ability by spending BD, increasing the fatigue by 2 per BD spent.

B. Secret Ingredients: if you add a magical substance to a brew, the created drink gains a magical effect related to the substance. For example, dragon phlegm might grant the drinker a single breath attack [d8+TOX damage, save for 1/2], ghost dust might turn the drinker invisible while drunk, and troll bile might grant the drinker +1/2 [TOX] HP regen each turn while drunk. The possibilities are endless, and should be discussed with the GM. If in doubt, try it out. If something is wildly overpowered, the GM may tune it back slightly.

C. Master Brewer: You may adjust the quality of any brew by up to 3 points, up or down.

C. Label: You carry distinctive labels with you to mark your beverages. Each time you sell or give away a brew of quality 7 or better in a new town, increase a "Renown" stat by 1. It starts at 0. At Renown 5, your brews sell for 1.5x the standard price, at 10 they sell for 2x standard price, and at 20 they sell for 3x standard price. Innkeepers will put your party up for a week if you supply them with 3 slots of quality 7+ booze. 

D. Brewery Boss: You attract 2 somewhat dim-witted but brawny hirelings who follow you anywhere for free, and do just about anything you ask so long as it presents no immediate risk to their lives. They can each carry 12 slots.

Written for Farblade, on the Shattered Coasts GLoG server.


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