Students of Wind & Stone: A GLoG Monk


Tucson Waldorf School, Artist Unknown

Students of Wind & Stone

Starting Equipment: Staff, incense, robes in a color of your choice, 3 rations.

Skill: Spiritualism | Nature | Riddles

A. Ki, Ways of the Masters, Honor

B. Flow, +1 Understanding, +1 Way, +1 Ki

C. Wisdom, +1 Understanding, +1 Way, +1 Ki

D. Choose 1 Form, 1 Element, & 1 Master, +1 Way, +1 Ki

A. Ki, Your mastery of your body has unlocked the flow of ki within it. You have 1 Ki, and gain 1 Ki with each level. You may regain all your ki by remaining motionless for 10 minutes.

A. Ways of the Masters, You have sat with ancient masters and repeated the same careful motions countless times. 

Your unarmed strikes deal d4 damage, your unarmored AC is 12+DEX+[Templates], and you may attempt 1 non-damaging maneuver (shove, grapple, etc.) for free on your turn.

In addition, this patience has granted you understandings of the capabilities of the human body that few truly grasp, known as Ways.

Using a Way costs 1 Ki.

Ways are built by combining 1 Form, 1 Element, and 1 Master from those you know. You may know a total of 1+[Templates] Ways. 

If a Way would grant a permanent effect, it only does so if used in deadly combat.

To gain your initial understandings, roll twice on each of the following tables. With each level, choose one table to roll on to gain a new understanding, then create a new Way.


  1. Fist - Strike with a closed fist for d8 damage.
  2. Foot - Strike with a foot for d10 damage.
  3. Grasp - Strike with a hand or whip, a target becomes grappled (whether or not you hit), or pinned if it already is grappled.
  4. Arrow - Make a successful ranged attack against a creature or object you've seen in the last minute, ignoring range and cover. It is a critical hit on a 1-in-6.
  5. Hammer - Attack with a hammer, dealing max damage.
  6. Blade - Attack thrice with a blade.
  7. Staff - Attack twice with a staff, then gain 1 AC until the end of combat.
  8. Reversal - When you would take damage, instead deal that damage to your attacker.
  9. Gaze - A target making eye-contact is stunned until you look away from it. It may attempt a save at the end of its turn to break the gaze.
  10. Roar - All targets that hear you take d4 damage.
  11. Whirl - All targets within melee range take d6 damage.
  12. Flight - Launch 120’ in any direction, then make an attack. Ignore fall damage until your next turn.
  1. Twin - Double this move’s other effects.
  2. Ancient - Add +3 to this attack's Hit and Damage rolls.
  3. Burning - Targets ignite. (d4 damage each turn until they pat out the flames.)
  4. Merciful - Targets are healed instead of taking damage.
  5. Highest - Targets drop prone, and fall to the ground if flying.
  6. Radiant - Targets must save or be dazzled (disadvantage on sight-related actions) on their next turn.
  7. Forgotten - Target must save or lose its memory of the last 5 minutes.
  8. Arctic - Targets become slowed on their next turn (may only take 1 action or move).
  9. Broken - Targets must save or destroy 1 non-magical item they are wearing or wielding.
  10. Famished - Targets must save or gain fatigue.
  11. Raging - All to-hit rolls on this move are automatically successful.
  12. Rising - Target must save or be launched d6*10 feet in a direction of your choice.
  1. Rat - Steal any 1 item or resource (such as MD) from a target. No save.
  2. Tiger - 1 target takes d4 bleed damage each turn until it receives magical healing. It is aware of this fact.
  3. Dragon - Gain 1 AC until anything successfully damages you.
  4. Sun - Begin to glow with bright light until you choose to stop. Foes that miss you must save or be blinded until the end of their next turn.
  5. Moon - Disappear after you make this move, and teleport to a location you can see.
  6. Star - All things invisible become visible to you, and you can physically touch the ethereal. Lasts until eat or drink.
  7. Mountain - One target takes double damage from this attack.
  8. River - Until something grapples you, you may use your reaction to reduce damage taken by d8.
  9. Flame - Gain +1 to Hit and Damage until you critically miss.
  10. Gale - Gain 10' of move speed until you sleep. At +20' move speed, you may cross bodies of water by running across them.
  11. Void - Targets you kill vanish from reality and restore d4 HP to you. Lasts until you stand beneath a sunlit sky.
  12. Emperor - 1 target with less HD than you must test Morale or vow to serve you if you spare their life. You may have [templates] HD of servants gained from this feature.

You may change your Ways by meditating for 8 hours, but may not have more than 1+[Templates] Ways.

Example: Gaze of the Famished Tiger, A target making eye-contact is stunned until you look away or it passes a save, must save or gain a level of fatigue, and takes d4 bleed damage each turn until it receives healing.

A. Honor - Many folks recognize you as a member of a society focused on gaining wisdom and mastering the physical self, and will likely think it natural to ask you for advice on whatever predicaments they face.

B. Flow - While not wearing armor, you may use your reaction to reduce any damage taken by d4.

C. Wisdom - Once per day you may learn the answer to one question if it as at all possible that your character could have heard about it at some point during their life. Alternatively, you may automatically critically succeed one d20 roll.


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