Story as Class: The Oaf

GLoG Fated Class: The Oaf

"We face each other as God intended. Sportsmanlike.
No tricks, no weapons, skill against skill alone."

Starting Gear: Club (Large Melee), A Memento of Home: 1. A crumpled portrait of your mother, 2. Your father's hunting knife, 3. A silver chain from your sister (Worth 30 GP), 4. A beaten shield from your brother in the army, 5. Your grandfather's chain mail, it's a little tight, 6. A faithful dog.

Skill: 1. Animals, 2. Sports, 3. Intimidation

Stamina: Each step of Oaf grants you 1 Stamina Dice (SD). These are d6, and are regained by eating a hearty meal or resting over night. You may spend a SD to increase the result of a STR test or STR damage roll, even after the result is announced. You may also spend any amount of SD as an action and regain as much HP.

A. Big as They Come

You were born to a poor family, and it quickly became apparent they couldn't sate your appetite, nor replace the things you constantly broke. By the age of 10 you were sent off into the world, entrusted to a stranger...

Muscle Head: When rolling for stats, you must swap your highest score to STR, and then swap your lowest score into INT. If you wish, you may add 2 to STR by reducing INT by 2.

Fists Like Boulders: You may use a 2-handed weapon in 1 hand. Your unarmed attacks deal d6 damage if both hands are free.

Heavy Heart: You're a bit ashamed of it, but you hate hurting people. Of course, sometimes you can't help it. Sometimes you break things you don't mean to... 

Clumsy: Whenever you roll a critical success using strength, you must make a save or break an item related to the check, including your weapon unless unarmed or wielding an unbreakable weapon. If you are grappling a creature they instead take d12 lethal damage. You may choose to fail this save.

Trusting: You immediately trust the words of:

1. The Elderly

2. The Opposite Gender

3. Children

4. Fae Creatures

5. Nobles

6. Everyone but... (roll again, ignoring a 6.)

B. Wandering Giant

Brute: Once per day when you encounter a group of living creatures with total HD less than or equal to your level+1, you may immediately force a morale check.

Crusher: You critically succeed Strength tests on 19+.

C. Looking for Friends

Attached: You may designate any creature your "friend". If you see a friend harmed by another creature, you must enter a fury that compels you to attack the harmful creature until you pass a save at the end of your turn. These attacks gain advantage.

Wrestler: You may attack & maneuver on your turn.

Mangler: You critically succeed Strength tests on 18+.

D. Looking for Home

Gentle: Your Clumsy and Attached traits only trigger if you want them to.

Giant: You critically succeed Strength tests on 17+.

A Note

This class is in no way intended as a mockery of those with mental handicaps. Fezzik (The Princess Bride) and Lenny (of Mice and Men) are two of the most compelling characters I can recall in fiction. Their incredible strength is sought out by a world seeking to abuse it, and yet all they want is a peaceful life and a place to call home.

May we all find those peaceful places, no matter our strengths and flaws.


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