Story as Class: The Impaler

A strange thought struck me. What if plot were baked right into the character? Could a story be a class?

GLoG Class: The Impaler

"Loneliness will sit over our roofs with brooding wings."

Starting Gear: Rapier (d6, 1 Slot, DEX/STR), 4 Piece Suit (As Light Armor), a bottle of fine wine (1 Slot), A Writing Set (1 Slot, includes pen, ink, paper, 3 candles, and wax.)

Skill: 1. Tactics, 2. Poetry, 3. Espionage

Stamina: For each template gain 1 Stamina Dice (SD). Stamina dice are d6. As an action, you may roll any number of SD and regain the total as HP. You may also add SD to any combat-related d20 roll, even after the result is announced. SD are regained by after a good meal or a full night's rest.

A. Driven by Desire

You are a young noble of a relatively unimportant house. Though wealthy, you've set out to taste the wild winds, to be your own person, to live unwatched by the judgmental eyes of your elders.

Heir: Your family is not without reputation. Gain one of the following features.

1. The Fierce, Your family values military tradition. You may add SD to damage rolls.

2. The Steadfast, In hard times, your family endures. The first time you would die, you survive, somehow. You also gain +2 HP.

3. The Kind, Your family has a reputation for charity. Gain +2 to Reaction Rolls from commoners and servants, and CHA checks to charm.

4. The Iron-Handed, Your family has ruled a long time, not always peacefully. Gain +2 to Reaction Rolls from nobility, and CHA checks to intimidate.

5. The Blessed, There are whispers you have a guardian angel. Once per day you may automatically succeed a saving throw instead of rolling.

6. The Wise, Your family always seemed to know things. Gain 1 MD and the spell Scry: "For [sum] minutes, a creature you are familiar with and their current surroundings appear in a reflective surface you touch." You may also learn spells from scrolls by studying them for 1 hour. You may memorize a number of spells equal to 4+INT, and store additional spells in a spellbook, though it takes you an hour to re-memorize spells from your spellbook.

Servant: You are followed by a 1 HD servant. They are not a combatant, but are sworn to bear your burdens—quite literally—and wish to see you return home alive.

Your servant is known for their: 1. Wisdom, 2. Strength (+3 Slots), 3. Awkwardness, 4. Alcoholism, 5. Arrogance, 6. Criminal History 

B. Head in the Clouds

With love in your heart, all the world shines golden and fair.

True Love: The next time you are in town, describe to the GM a person who captures your characters heart.  Describe how you attempt to woo them. Through a series of heart-warming events, this person soon returns your affection. 

Passion: Once per day, when you roll one or more SD, you may double the result.

C. Wrathful Avenger

It shouldn't have come to this.

Wracked by Grief: Your true love has died, or worse, broken your heart. It is up to the GM to decide how fate worked this tragedy, but no matter how you try, you cannot return them to life or to loving you. You are left to suffer.

Fury of the Broken Heart: Someone is to blame for this tragedy. It does not matter who is actually guilty, for you have made up your mind. Choose 4 individuals to blame for your tragedy—you need not choose them all immediately, but once you choose them you may not change your mind. Each time you kill one of these individuals, gain a benefit of your choice from the following list. You may take the same benefit multiple times.

1. Gain 1 MD.

2. Gain +1 to Hit.

3. Gain +1 Damage.

4. Gain +1 SD.

Murderous Machinations: While taking direct actions against an individual you blame for your broken heart, gain +2 to all d20 rolls.

Extra Attack: You may attack twice on your turn.

D. Cold as the Grave

Undeath. Your skin has grown cold. Your heart no longer beats. It has no reason to. 

You can only be killed with a wooden stake through the heart. Otherwise you revive in 1d4 hours, no matter how you die. You are not affected by poison, and you no longer need to breathe, sleep, or eat, though you feel a strange, insatiable hunger. In addition, direct exposure to sunlight inflicts disadvantage on any d20 test you attempt, though you may negate this by wearing a heavy cloak.

Wretched Form: Gain two of the following traits.

1. Wind-tossed Soul: You may float, and while floating you may control the direction of the wind, granting you a 60' flight speed.

2. Savage Heart: You may force up to 2 HD of wild beasts to follow you and do your bidding.

3. Dreadful Gaze: You may force up to 2 HD of humanoids who make eye-contact with you to make a save or fall under your will. They become immune upon success. You may release them from your control at any time, and they will return to their lives without realizing they were under your compulsion. Humanoids controlled in this way retain their memories, but follow you with cult-like abandon.

4. Hungering Fury: When you deal melee damage to a foe, you may expend a Stamina Dice to regain [sum]+DMG HP. 

5. Murderous Frame: Your fingers and teeth turn sharp and wicked. Your unarmed strikes deal d6+STR or DEX damage.

6. Crown of Ice: When you meet undead with 2 or less HD, they roll reaction rolls with +2. Neutral undead will obey your commands for the next hour, though may soon grow restless. Friendly undead will follow you until you dismiss them.


  1. I wonder what a game would look like with the interplay of multiple classes like these. How would the tapestries of these individual stories be woven together? Where's the balance between predestination and agency? Only one way I know to find out.


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