Story as Class: The Fugitive

GLoG Fated Class: The Fugitive 

"I'm even better at runnin' than I am at robbin' banks!"

Starting Gear: Six-shooter (1 Slot, d6, After firing 6 times, takes a full round to reload), Leather Vest (As light armor), Bottle of whiskey with 1d6 shots left (1 slot)

Skill: 1. Mechanics, 2. Impersonation, 3. Medicine

A. On The Run

Gunslinger: Each level of Fugitive grants you 1 Gun-Slinging Dice (GD), which is a d6.

You may spend a GD to increase a to-hit roll with any firearm, before the result is announced. If a hit roll with a gun totals 20 or more, you perform a head-shot, increasing the damage dice to a d12. Note that a critical still only occurs if the d20 rolls a 20.

If you take a shot of strong alcohol as an action, you may also spend a GD to regain 1d6 HP. 

GD are regained after a hearty meal or a long night's rest and relaxation.

Made it Big: You've recently pulled off a near-impossible heist and somehow made it out alive. Roll on the following table to determine what you stole. In XP for GP systems, your haul does not count toward XP.

1. The Crown Jewels - Worth 3000 GP if you can find a fence willing to buy them. Most fences won't touch them unless they owe you a serious favor. (2 Slots) Of course, the royal family wants them back.

2. A Holy Relic - It's just a wooden cup, but if you fill it with clean water and drink out of it, all your cuts and bruises heal up. (Once per day, restore a creature to max HP) Not like I was ever going to make it into heaven anyway, at least I can live a little longer on this side!

3. The Blackadder's Stash - It was the perfect get away! 2000 GP Cash. Of course, some folks would say it's a fool's plot to steal from one of the biggest crime-bosses in the country.

4. A Self-Propelled Carriage - This thing goes fast! On roads it tops out at 24 miles per hour, but even through flat enough fields it'll do 6. Worth 3000 GP. That half-mad inventor probably doesn't even realize it's missing, seeing as how we burned down his whole shop.

5. The Pinkerton's Armory - You've hidden the guns in an abandoned basement. At your last count, you've got 10 Rifles (d10, Action or Move to reload, 20 GP), 5 Six-shooters, 15 Powder Bombs (1 Slot Each, 15' Blast, d8, 30' Thrown), and a Tripod-mounted Gatling Gun (3 Attacks per action, d6, 7 Slots, Action to Set Up & Take Down, 1500 GP) Them Pinkerton's best think twice before coming after you.

6. The Sheriff's Pride & Joy - Maybe they are the child of a lawman, but they've got a wild streak. You were just lucky enough to catch their eye. They love you like crazy and aren't afraid to draw iron to prove it. (1 HD Follower, also has a six-shooter, gains 1 HD each time you level up). Unfortunately, the sheriff swore his revenge as you rode into the sunset together.

B. Never Staying Put

Heat: You're starting to feel eyes watching you. A crawling sensation on the back of your neck. Each time you spend a week in town you have a heat-in-10 chance of being attacked by a bounty hunter of your level. If your heat is higher than 4, the bounty hunter is accompanied by [heat]-4 1 HD goons. Your heat starts at 2, and increases each time you gain a level in this class or perform a serious crime.

Wanted: You gain a penalty to reaction rolls from law enforcement equal to your heat. You gain a bonus to reaction rolls from criminals (excluding bounty hunters) equal to your heat.

C. Always Looking Over Your Shoulder

Dodging Glances: If you're aware of someone looking for you, you have advantage on your first attempt to hide from them.

Dodging Bullets: When you are damaged by a ranged weapon, you may spend a GD and reduce the damage by the result.

Slinging Lead: At the end of your turn you may make an attack with a gun for free.

D. Never Getting Where You're Going

Posters: Your face is plastered all over every major town. Guards and police that recognize you are immediately hostile, and will attempt to arrest you if they think they stand a chance.

Notorious: You may recruit other criminals into a gang. They're usually looking for a place to hide and a job that can use their talents. If you amass a gang with at least 20 HD, not including your own levels, your heat no longer triggers within the city your gang is based in.


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