Faë: A GLoG Race-as-classis

Fae: A GLoG Race-as-Classis

“We do not want merely to see beauty... we want something else which can hardly be put into words- to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it. That is why we have peopled air and earth and water with gods and goddesses, and nymphs and elves.” - C.S. Lewis

Faë: You are a creature of the wilds, a spirit given flesh, an ageless being ever striding through the hidden places. Though generally humanoid, you may shape the details of your appearance as you please. You have a strong affinity with a domain of the natural world, and all fae with a shared affinity are part of a court.

Innate Magic: All fae may use any magical items, and have advantage on saving throws against magical effects.

Iron Aversion: While touching iron, you cannot use any of the benefits specific to the Fae class.

Starting Gear: Varies with Court

A. Faë Court, Faë Tricks

B. +1  Trick, Spirit Sense

C. +1 Trick, Faë Step

D. +1 Trick, Elder Faë

A. Faë Court: All Faë are members of a court, and no two courts are quite the same. Your court determines your starting gear, inflicts limitations, and provides a list of tricks. Other creatures closely associated with the domain of your court gain +[templates] to their reaction rolls.

A. Faë Tricks: You learn one trick of your choice from your court, or two randomly rolled tricks. On further levels you learn 1 random trick. 

B. Spirit Sense: You can sense other spiritual beings nearby, though imprecisely, and often only as a kind of distinct scent.

C. Faë Step: While touching a natural object related to your court's domain, you may teleport to another such object within 30' in place of your movement. Alternatively, you may disappear into the substance as your move, and reappear within 60' as your move on your next turn. You must reappear on your next turn as your move.

D. Elder Faë: You gain the Elder benefit from your court. You may use your elder ability while touching Iron.


Domain: Flora, Beauty

Vain above all other courts, the Court of Bloom & Thorn values beauty above all else. Their Queen & King are whispered to be the loveliest of all beings - and perhaps the cruelest.

Appearance: Fae of this court tend to be slender, richly colored, and sharp of cheek and nose.

Gear: A colorful and elegant outfit, 2 Hardwood Daggers, Sweet Perfume (1/3 slot)

Limitations: You despise being filthy or marred in any way. While dirty, you take a -3 penalty to all d20 rolls, and must make a save to use any of your tricks.


  1. Stunning: While at full HP, creature's must make a successful save to harm you, otherwise they must choose a new target if one is in range, or waste their turn.
  2. Dripping: Once per combat you may cause a weapon you hold to become poisonous. The first target it strikes takes d4 damage at the start of its turns, and may save at the end of its turn to end the effect.
  3. Serenity: Once per day you may fill the air with a mind-numbing pollen as an action. All creatures within 15' other than you must save or waste their turn in a blissful euphoria. Lasts 10 Minutes or until all targets pass their save.
  4. Captivating: You are always the most beautiful thing in the room, unless you also happen to be in the room with another fae of this court of higher rank than you.
  5. Graft: you may transfer HP and ailments between yourself and willing creatures you touch.
  6. Bloom: [Templates] times per day, you may regain d6 HP as an action.
Elder: Once per day you may cause all growing things within 30' to obey your commands. Trees bow and bend, vines spring to life, fruit ripens, and thorns burst forth at your command. This effect lasts 1 hour, but only affects the original area.


Domain: Earth

Slow to act, but unyielding once moved to action, the Court of Hidden Roads has endured through countless ages.

Appearance: Rough, grey, and bulky, but with eyes that shine like gems. Broad and large.

Gear: Stone Mace (Medium Weapon), Skin Like Stone (as medium armor, 0 slots), uncut gemstone (1/3 slot)

Limitations: You are incredibly heavy, and sink like a stone in water. There is a 2-in-6 chance of breaking any wooden item you place your weight on, and it takes 4 people working together to lift you.


  1. Stone Singing: While singing, you can see through stone within 30', allowing you to find hidden rooms and items buried in the earth, as well as locate creatures touching that stone.
  2. Unshaken: When you would be reduced to 0 HP or less, you may make a +[templates] save to remain at 1 HP.
  3. Mountain's Strength: You may wield a 2-handed weapon in 1 hand, and carry twice your standard carry-weight.
  4. Ponderous: You may succeed any Intelligence test given 10 minutes, or critically succeed if given an hour.
  5. Stone Shaping: For 10 minutes a day, you may shape stone as though it were clay. For the duration, you may tunnel at a rate of 10' per minute.
  6. Impassable: You may pull the stone of the ground or a passage toward you, sealing a passage and remaining safe within until you let the stone fall away. If you die in this state, the seal remains.

Elder: For ten minutes a day you may turn your heart molten, showing red cracks through your skin. For the duration, you have advantage on physical tests, double your movement speed, and deal double damage with bludgeoning weapons. Afterwards, you must rest motionless for 10 minutes.


(From a blog called Shadow & Fae, you knew these guys were coming eventually, right?)

Domain: Darkness, Death

There is no need to fear the Court of Shadows. They are in no rush. They wait, satisfied to know that all living things shall fall into their domain, if only given enough time. Nor are they all cruel, as some would suggest. Some work out their charge with the grace of a mother, laying her child to rest.

Appearance: Dark, Earthy tones. Some take on fungal or insect-like appearances.

Gear: Twin Ivory Sickles (1/3 Slot Each, Medium Weapons), 10 candles (1 Slot)

Limitations: Within direct sunlight, all your d20 tests are rolled with disadvantage. Wearing a dark cloak or wide-brimmed hat negates this.


  1. Silent Passage: When moving alone, you always surprise creatures you encounter.
  2. Cut the Thread: When you attack while dual-wielding, deal the damage of both weapons instead of just the highest.
  3. Comforter: Grieving individuals find you very easy to talk to, and will tell you almost anything if you ask kindly.
  4. Hollow Gaze: Once per hour, as a free action, you may force a creature who makes eye-contact with you to test Morale -[templates].
  5. Stillness: If you hold completely still while nothing is looking directly at you, you turn completely invisible until you move.
  6. Patience: When a creature dies, you may touch them, granting them a sort of half-life until the next full moon, when they will die. You cannot use this feature again until that creature dies. This feature works even if pieces of the body are missing, though it does not restore those pieces.

Elder: Once per day you may shift into the realm of death as a full-action on your turn. In this realm you can see the silent souls of the recently departed, magic radiates with colorful light, and you can pass through walls and objects less than a foot thick. You may exit the realm of death as part of your movement on your turn.


(Admittedly, these are just the Kokiri.)

Domain: Sunlight, Forest

The Old Forest is full of its children, a court of Fae blessed with youthful attitudes, uncaring for the proud ways of the other courts, or the trivial conflicts of mortals.

Appearance: Small, only a few feet tall, often dressed in greens or blues. Often predisposed toward songs, games, and jokes.

Gear: Shortbow & Arrows (2 Slots), 10 Acorns (1 Slot)

Limitations: Your diminutive size means you can only carry 1/2 your typical carry weight.


  1. Woodland Friends: Small creatures can understand you, and will help you out if you give them a piece of food.
  2. Beasthide: You can change your appearance as an action to look like a natural creature of about your size. This does not affect your stats.
  3. Crackshot: You never miss with a ranged weapon.
  4. Tree Speech: If you spend ten minutes talking with a tree, it will answer one question as well as a tree could. Trees mainly sense weather, though they can sense the type of things that pass over their roots as well.
  5. Growth: Once per day, by touching a plant, you may advance it to full maturity.
  6. Winds: You may make yourself as light as a feather to float on the winds, or a particularly strong breath.
Elder: Once per day you may summon a swarm of small creatures to your aid for ten minutes. It has 2d8 HP, and covers a 10' square area. Hostile creatures within that area take damage equal to the swarm's HP on the start of their turn, or 1/2 as much on a successful save. The swarm can also perform helpful tasks as requested.

Reasons for Adventuring

  1. Something has gone terribly wrong with the domain of your Court.
  2. You were exiled by the other fae of your Court.
  3. You have been sent on a particular quest by your Court.
  4. You are fascinated by mortals.
  5. You can't find your way back to your Court, which is odd, to say the least.
  6. You can't stand the other members of your Court.


  1. Strong inspiration to do this came from http://throneofsalt.blogspot.com/2018/05/class-folk.html


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