Remembrance: An Enchanter Class for the GLoG

A. Shipwright, "The First Hammer"


Alone among the elements, Earth remembers. Water flows too quickly into new shapes and forms, Air blows aimlessly across the surface of the world, and Fire cannot look back, it must look forward to its next meal.

But stone and iron remember.

The Enchanter

Listening: If you spend 10 minutes holding an object, you may learn an interesting fact of your choice about it, such as the name of its owner, the last time it was used, or a momentous event in its history. If the item has an enchantable Memory, you learn what it is.

Starting Equipment: Spear, Dagger, Leather Armor, an item with 1 random Memory (1: Scorched, 2: Frozen, 3: Beloved, 4: Murderous). 

A: Enchanting

B: Journeyman

C: Master, Blaze to Life

D: Sage, Bent Memories

Enchanting: You may create up to 2 enchantments with a maximum level of Apprentice. To enchant an item, it must have an appropriate memory attached. Spend 1 hour in contact with the item, doing nothing but willing its memory to become real again. 

If an enchantment is destroyed or dismissed, you may create a new one. 

Dismissing an enchantment takes an action.

An item may only have 1 enchantment, but it may be dismissed and re-enchanted.

If you die, the objects you enchanted remain enchanted.

Journeyman: In addition to your 2 apprentice enchantments, you may create 1 journeyman enchantment.

Master: You may create 1 additional enchantment with a rank of Master.

Blaze to Life: Once per day, you may enchant an item as an action.

Sage: All of your enchantments are of 1 level greater. (2 Journeyman, 1 Master, 1 Sage)

Bent Memories: You may work with the GM to create new enchantments for items with interesting memories, using the existing memories and enchantments as a guide.


Scorched - This item has experienced heat from the raw life-blood of the world.

  • Burning: When this weapon deals damage, the target must save or catch fire. Burning creatures take 1d4 damage at the start of their turn until they spend their movement rolling on the ground.
    • Journeyman: +1
    • Master: +2, targets always catch fire.
    • Sage: +3
  • Scaldguard: When the wearer of this armor suffers melee damage, they may use their reaction to deal d4 damage to their attacker.
    • Journeyman: d6 DMG
    • Master: Ranged attacks trigger this effect as well.
    • Sage: d8 DMG, attacker must save or catch fire, taking d4 damage at the start of their turn until the flames are doused.
  • Flames: The bearer of this item may shoot flames from their hands up to 30'. Flammable objects catch fire. Creatures may be attacked using Will, dealing d6 DMG.
    • Journeyman: 60', d8 DMG
    • Master: 90', 2d6 DMG, or d6 DMG to 2 targets.
    • Sage: 3d6 DMG, or d6 DMG to 3 targets. Flames cannot be quenched until the bearer dies or wills them to stop.

Frozen - This item was left in the frozen wastes for months.

  • Chilling: When this weapon deals damage, the target must save or become slowed for 1 turn.
    • Journeyman: +1, d4 turns
    • Master: +2, d6 turns
    • Sage: +3, Target must save or be frozen solid permanently, slowed d6 turns on a success.
  • Frostguard: Once per day you may use an action to cause thick ice to form on this armor, increasing your AC by 2 for 10 minutes.
    • Journeyman: 2 uses per day.
    • Master: +3 AC, 2 uses per day.
    • Sage: +3 AC, 2 uses per day, when hit while this effect is active, you may use a reaction to force a melee attacker to save or lose their weapon to encasing ice.
  • Icicles: As an action, you may cause slick ice to form on a 10' diameter surface within 30'. Creatures directly targeted take d4 damage and must save or be slowed for 1 turn.
    • Journeyman: d6 damage. you may form a  5' diameter rough object as an action.
    • Master: 60' Range, d8 damage, 10' diameter objects.
    • Sage: 90' Range, d10 damage, 20' diameter objects, of exquisite form and beauty.

Beloved - This item was dear to an individual while they were truly loved.

  • Returning: As long as this item is within 100' of its owner, that person may summon it to themself and equip it as a free action on their turn.
    • Journeyman: +1, 300' Range. 
    • Master: +2, Returns from anywhere on the Plane. 
    • Sage: +3, Cannot be kept from its master by any force of the Hells or Heavens.
  • Avenging: When the bearer of this item is wounded, they may curse the one who wounds them as their action, causing the cursed individual to take +1 damage from all sources for 1 minute.
    • Journeyman: +2 damage, 10 minutes.
    • Master: +3 damage, 10 minutes.
    • Sage: +4 damage, Permanent.
  • Rescuing: This item holds 1 HP. When the bearer would die, they may instead take any amount of HP from this item. Once it is drained to 0, it must be re-enchanted.
    • Journeyman: 3 HP
    • Master: 5 HP
    • Sage: 7 HP

Murderous - This item was used to take an innocent life.

  • Bleeding: When this weapon deals damage, the target gains 1 persistent damage from bleeding at the start of its turn until it receives healing or uses an action to staunch the wound.
    • Journeyman: 2 Bleed DMG
    • Master: 3 Bleed DMG
    • Sage: 3 Bleed DMG, cannot be stopped except by divine healing.
Abandoned - This item was left in a forgotten place, untouched for centuries.
  • Silencing: The bearer of this item can cloak themselves in magical shadows and silence once per day for 10 minutes, becoming invisible in dim light or shadows. Attacking ends this effect.
    • Journeyman: 2 uses per day.
    • Master: 3 uses per day.
    • Sage: 3 uses per day. Attacking does not end the effect, but does alert creatures to an invisible presence.

Divine - This item was touched by a being from the Heavens.

  • Ascendant: The bearer of this item may hover 10' above any solid or liquid surface.
    • Journeyman: Once per day, the bearer gains divine wings for 10 minutes, with a 60' fly speed.
    • Master: Fly speed may be gained twice per day for 10 minutes.
    • Sage: Fly speed is permanent.
  • Restoring: This item has 2 charges that are restored at noon. Any number of charges may be spent as an action to restore 1d6 HP each to a touched creature.
    • Journeyman: 3 Charges. 2 Charges may be used to cure any illness.
    • Master: 4 Charges, 2d6 HP is restored per charge.
    • Sage: 6 Charges, 4 charges may be used to restore a touched creature to perfect health as long as they are alive. If they are dead, they may be resurrected (using the usual rules for resurrection), but the item is then irreparably destroyed.
  • Holy: This weapon deals +1d6 damage to undead and demonic creatures.
    • Journeyman: +1, Once per day, all undead of 2 HD or less within 100' may be forced to test morale or flee.
    • Master: +2, +2d6 DMG
    • Sage: +3, +3d6 DMG, Undead may be turned twice per day, and undead of up to 3 HD are affected.

Fae - This item was touched by a ruler of the Fae Realms.

  • Dancing: This weapon takes on a life of its own for 10 minutes once per day. It has a fly speed of 30', and attacks 1 target of its owner's choice each turn for the duration.
    • Journeyman: +1
    • Master: +2, 2 uses per day.
    • Sage: +3, effect is permanent, and the item gains sentience and can telepathically communicate with its bearer.
  • Blink: The wearer of this item may teleport to a location they can see within 30' twice per day.
    • Journeyman: 60' Range.
    • Master: 90' Range, 3 uses per day.
    • Sage: When activated, the wearer and up to 6 creatures physically linked to them—i.e. holding hands—may be teleported to a location the wearer is familiar with on the present or an adjacent plane of existence.
Well-Used - This item belonged to a true master who used it excellently.
  • Keen: This item grants a +1 bonus to all tests using it for its intended purpose. It cannot break.
    • Journeyman: +2
    • Master: +3, tests using this item are immune to critical failures.
    • Sage: +4

Inspiration for this system comes from Will Wight's book, "Of Shadow and Sea" which I haven't actually read, but my wife geeked out about this magic system to me, so now I geek out about it to you.


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