The Scrappy Teen: A GLoG Class

Scrappy Teen

By rights you shouldn't be here, but sometimes the best person for the job is the only person who refuses to admit it's impossible, and that's you. 

You start with one of the following: 
  1. A pet of unusually high intelligence that anyone over the age of 20 dismisses as a minor nuisance.
  2. A weapon passed down by members of your family for generations. It's definitely magical, but you don't know what it does or how to activate it—yet. 
  3. A servant who is pledged to your family and who will follow your orders grudgingly. They do NOT approve, but they are duty bound to ensure your well-being.
  4. An indeterminate inheritance. Whenever you purchase an item, you may pay 1/10th of the price by presenting a letter of credit. If you do, roll a d10. On a 1, the letter of credit is denied, and you cannot use this feature again.

A. The Power of Friendship: You have a number of d4 equal to the number of levels you have taken in "Scrappy Teen". Whenever you or an ally rolls any dice, you may spend any number of your friendship dice and add the result to that roll. Spent dice are regained when you enjoy a meal with your allies. 

B. Youthful Shenanigans: As long as you are not the center of a creature's attention, e.g. they're attacking you or speaking with you, you may slip away unnoticed from the adults. They will typically assume that you've succumbed to cowardice or hunger. 

C. Unbridled Optimism: Failure is just another step on the journey to success. Twice per day you may reroll a friendship dice and use the new result. To do so, you must say something cheesy and optimistic, such as "You're way stronger than those rocks!" 

D. Just my Backstory: When you would die, you may make an epic speech about why you will win, or why your foes will lose. You may then roll any friendship dice you have remaining and regain that many HP. If you have no remaining friendship dice, you regain 1 HP. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you sleep for 12 hours straight.


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