5E Classes for GLoG


Cover of the D&D 5E PHB

The Barbarian: Stand toe to toe with the strongest of foes.
The Bard: Inspire your allies through song and word.
The Cleric: Strike down evil, raise up the righteous.
The Druid: Become nature's claws.
The Fighter: Learn powerful strikes to wield in battle.
The Monk: Perfect your body.
The Paladin: Make a sacred vow, and walk in the power of divinity.
The Ranger: Lead others safely through the dangers of the world.
The Rogue: Know the shadows, and the people who live there.
The Sorcerer: Bend a Source of Power to your will.
The Warlock: Wield immense power - for a price.
The Wizard: Study the forgotten magic of the world, and wield it carefully.

This was an interesting undertaking. My primary goal was not to stick strictly to translating the mechanics presented in the PHB, but to focus on the "Core Feel" of those classes, and what mechanics lent to that feeling. Feel free to peruse, and let me know what you think.


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