Leader of Men, Slayer of Beasts, The Ranger


"Ranger" has got to be the most hotly debated class of this generation. They've been everything, and no one can agree on what they shouldn't be. But maybe that's the point.

Rangers are classically survivalists who patrol the edges of civilization. They live in the wilds and protect common folk from the monstrosities they like to pretend don't exist. These people need to be self-sustaining, and so they've got to be good at most things. A Ranger is a Jack of All Trades, Master of One. That One, in my opinion, is keeping bumbling fools alive in places they don't belong.

Here is (yet another) attempt to capture the essence of a ranger and tie it down with abilities and rules.


Survivalist: Each step of Ranger grants you +1 to a free "Survivalist" skill that can be used for activities such as stealth, hunting, and tracking. This skill does not count against your total.

Random Skill: Wanderer | Monster Hunter | Scout

Starting Equipment: Leather Armor, Longsword, Longbow & Arrows, 2 Daggers, Warm Cloak (1 Slot)

A. Mastery, Measure Up

B. Trapper

C. Field Medicine, Extra Attack

D. Slayer

Mastery: Each Step of Ranger grants you 2 "Mastery Points". You may spend any number of these points as a reaction to raise or reduce an Ability Check, Attack Roll, or Saving Throw made by any creature other than you that you can see. Spent points are regained overnight.

Measure Up: At the beginning of your turn you may attempt a free WIS check to measure up any foe you can see. On a success, you gain +1 to hit against that foe, and you may ask the DM one question about it which they will answer honestly. On a critical success the bonus becomes +2, and you may ask the DM two questions about the foe. After a successful attempt, you can no longer use this ability on the same creature.

Trapper: You may spend 10 minutes in natural terrain to manufacture a trap. Choose one reasonable effect for your trap, such as 1d6 Damage, Restrain, or Noise. 

Field Medicine: When in a natural environment you may spend an hour searching for natural remedies for one negative condition such as wounds, poison, or disease. After the hour, make a WIS check to gain one treatment for that condition. This treatment is usable for 24 hours.

Extra Attack: When you take the Attack Action on your turn, you may make a second attack for free.

Slayer: Once per day you may add [x] additional damage to a hit, where [x] is the highest level of creature slain by your party.

And a note on dual-wielding, because it's cool.

A combatant using a weapon in each hand gains +1 to hit. 

If it is important which weapon deals damage, the attacker is free to choose.

Thus, combatants have a choice between being more likely to hit via dual wielding, gaining AC from a shield, or dealing more damage by wielding a two-handed weapon.


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