GLOG Solutions (Or, How to Kill the Devil When You've Only Got 30 HP)

GLOG Solutions

An archdevil rules the City Beneath with legions of devils and human thralls at his command. The party wishes to end the devil's infernal reign, and sets out to slay him and lift the city from its ashes.

5e's solution: The 300 HP, AC 19 Pit Fiend. The Pit Fiend makes 4 attacks, averaging 73 damage per round. It also has magical weapons, the ability to cast a few spells, and a few nasty traits like a fear aura and Magic Resistance.

GLOG's Solution:


This being commands an infernal legion of approximately 500 soldiers. It is imbued with unholy magic, and seeks to bring all peoples under its command. Archdevils rarely work together, unless brought into servitude to another of their kind.

HD: 12+10 (64 HP), AC: 18 (Infernal Plate), Morale: 10

STR: +4, DEX: +2, CON: +3, INT: +2, WIS: +3, CHA: +4

Motive: Dominion

Move: 45' Fly

Flaming Greatsword: x3, STR+3, d12, 1d6 Fire

Hellfire: A 45' cone of flame shoots forward from the Archdevil's open hand. Characters in the area must succeed on a DEX save or take 6d8 (27) Fire Damage. Recharge: 5-6

Ashes to Embers: When an infernal creature dies within 30' feet of the Archdevil, the Archdevil may use its reaction to absorb the infernal's essence and regain 2d8 HP.

Devil's Contract: When the Archdevil fails a Saving Throw against a magical effect, it can force an infernal creature under its command that is within 10 feet to take the negative effect instead.

Hellplate: Any damage taken from an unblessed weapon is reduced by 4 points.

Burning Presence: Creatures who start their turn within 30' of the Archdevil take 1d6 Fire Damage.

Activities: Conferring with Advisors | Commanding Foot-soldiers | Pondering a Map

Treasure: Flaming Greatsword, Hellplate (as Plate, but causes Burning Presence. Can be turned off. Cursed as - well - Hell.)

Slaying the Devil

In 5e, all it takes is a high-enough party to slay the devil. The math just works out that way.

In GLOG, HP maxes out from leveling around 30 (5d8+CON). Throw a large party of high-level characters at the Archdevil, and they will all surely die.


Unless they have heard of the fearsome flames wielded by the Archdevil in battle, and have found a way to gain resistance or even immunity to damage from fire.

Unless they know that the only weapon to even scratch the Archdevil's armor was the blessed sword of Durian, who sadly fell during the battle.

Unless they have witnessed the Archdevil consume fallen infernal souls to bolster himself, and seek to separate him from his troops.

Then—with divine blessings, half-guaranteed potions, and a willingness to die for the cause—then they can slay the devil.

The Referee's Duty

Let them die, or let them hear of others who've died. Be sure they know the danger of their plan, but let every attempt gain information for those who would stand against the dark. GLOG is not won with numbers. It is won by questing for answers. In other words—playing the game.


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