
The Flame that Burns Twice as Bright, Burns Half as Long: A GLoG Monk

  Art by Eric Belisle You are not fully yourself until you realize your place in the wider universe, your connection to the leaves, stones, sun, moon, and all other things. You are the universe. Reach out your hand, and the mountains shall shatter. The Monk: A Class for Shadow & Fae 2e , and Other GLoGs With each Chapter, gain Combatant, and... One, Lesson of Water Lesson of Earth Lesson of Air Lesson of Fire Starting Gear : Staff (d6, 1b, 2H, Light, Shatter d4), Incense (1b), Flint & Steel (1/3b), d4 rations, 2d6 GP. Starting Skill : Cantor | Spirits | Herbs | Brewing Combatant : Gain 2 HP and +1 to Hit and Damage each time you take this. If you take this feature 3 times, you may take an extra action in combat, which may be an attack. If you are Mortally Wounded, roll a d6 instead of a d8. One : You are at your best when you realize your place within the universe. By meditating for at least an hour, you may restore a pool of Ki dice equal to your Monk Chapters. Ki dice are d6.

Why Shadow & Fae 2e?

I got a great question on my Itch page today, and it got me thinking quite a bit about why I built the game I did, and what I learned along the way! I've reposted my answer below, for posterity, and anyone interested. Hello! Always exciting to hear that someone's had fun with my games. Shadow & Fae was my first complete game, which I wrote to bring a group of players familiar with 5e into a simpler but still diverse game. It works with a unified d20 roll-high mechanic for most things, and has classes with similar features and names to the modern giant games, like PF2e and D&D 5e. I wanted S&F to be a game I could explain quickly, run smoothly, and most of all—create new content for quickly. If one of my players asked, "Can I play a cat?" I wanted to be able to say "Yep! Here's how that could work." Goblin Tales was inspired by a dice mechanic, originally. The blackjack roll. Instead of having modifiers and scores, players just want to roll

No God But Their Stomachs - d3 Ogre Encounters to Haunt Your Wilds

We're Ogre-Posting today. "Buck", by Changming Xu Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things. - Phil. 6:13 An ogre is a hollow creature, never satisfied with its lot, always trying to fill itself up. Despite opinions of lesser  monstrologists (Such as E.F. Curd and Company), it is clear that ogres are intelligent beings, at least as intelligent as the average human. Their fault is in their inescapable longing . - Carrivilus Barq, Monstrologist. 1. Buck At first Buck only wanted friends. As a young human boy, he longed to be included in the gaggle of peasant children that gathered each morning by the well in the early hours, but his twisted face earned him the scorn of his would-be companions. One can feel sad about this for a moment. Unfortunately, Buck chose the route of violence to solve his problems. A thrown stone marred the face of a boy a little older than him, and in the ensuing

Shadow & Fae, Old School Referee, Now on Lulu

For those who have been waiting for print editions, they are now easy to order thru Lulu ! Click here to get a copy! I've received proofs of both, and am impressed with the end result! They are saddle-stitched, 60# cream pages, with beautiful matte covers that feel sturdy in the hand. As always, you can get free copies of both these, and all my other games, on Itch . Thanks again for all your support and encouragement, it means the world to me.

Goon: Mobsters in an Alternate 1920's

The other day I dreamed up a dangerous game of desperate folk doing what they needed to survive in a world that doesn't care for them. For now, I'm calling it Goon . The Setting Imagine a world something like 1920's America, and nothing like 1920's America. There's a City on the River Rhynne named San Rheese. Illegal casks of booze flow up river from Port Victoria to the factories of Cipolla City, and trains run from the civilized East steadily deeper into the untamable West. And here in the center, at the Crossroads of the New World, we do what we have to do to survive. The Players The game is about little gangs vying for power and recognition in a corrupt world. Some are dedicated to the good of the people, and some to the size of their pocketbooks. It's up to the players to decide what their little gang will pursue, and how. The System I've taken cues from GLoG and Into the Odd to create a dangerous system where tomorrow is never guaranteed, and drawing a

Worlds from Seeds: A Trouble, A Treasure, A Face

  "Poems & Stories" By J.R.R. Tolkien, Cover by Pauline Baynes, 1980 Edition Worlds from Seeds The most daunting foe to many a budding Referee (Sometimes called a Game Master, or even a Dungeon Master) is the blank page. Let's not mince words, Referees are frail, fallible human beings of limited capacity, just like (almost) every other human mucking about on Earth, and yet we're expected to summon worlds from our fingertips, breathe life into the unwashed hordes, and pull intriguing lore straight out of our unmentionables . It's too much to ask. But hubris-filled fools that we are, we're going to try it anyway. Where shall we start?  From Tiny Seeds What is it that interests you personally about fantasy stories? For now, keep things painfully simple. Your list could be as simple as "A Dungeon, a Dragon". There's a reason that recipe works. But there's no harm in spicing things up a little: "A Corrupt Temple, a Falling Star, a 'Vi

Weapons & Armor - Shadow & Fae 2e

There's a lot of options when it comes to modeling weapons and combat with dice games. I'm of the bent that combat should be just as interesting as the rest of the game. Some like to bypass it by making it as fast as possible, others basically turn combat into the whole game. When the rubber hits the road, I want to see players make interesting choices each turn, so that when combat occurs, it is just as interesting as exploration and roleplay. The trouble with this in traditional dungeon games is you only get one action each round, and if it's anything other than "attack" the rules sometimes punish you for doing something "sub-optimal". My attempt at a solution to this is to give everyone two actions in combat, one of which can be an attack or spell. Fighters get an extra action which can be an attack at 3rd level, but everyone can try various "maneuvers" if they're in a situation where they might be able to do so. Weapon Types On top of t